
rock together.

We inspire customers

Bright minds, free radicals, creative free spirits and a never-ending curiosity within a structured framework make our team different.

You have to try the impossible to achieve the possible!

Peter Nagel

Agency Lead
Creative Director

Creativity is intelligence that's fun.

Patrizia Golosch-Götz

Agency Lead
Art Director

It always seems impossible until it’s done.

Michaela Wöhr

Art Director

Make it big and red.

Stefan Fischer

Art Director

Be positive, patient and persistent.

Joela Schüle

Graphic Design

If you start everything with a smile, you will succeed in many things.

Rebekka Tippelhoffer

Graphic Design

Sometimes creativity looks like chaos.

Jill Ilg


Life is too short for sometime!

Sabine Schmidt

Copy & Concept

Success consists of two letters: DO.

Roman Faas

Production & Project

Be cheeky and wild and wonderful. (Pippi Longstocking)

Pamela Dahl

Production & Project

You only do well what you really enjoy doing!

Markus Straub

Production & Project

To finish first, you first have to finish!

Meiko Eberle
